Edison is a Liar
Edison lied about inventing the lightbulb
History will tell you that Edison invented the lightbulb, but the internet was lying about inventing the lightbulb! Thomas Edison stole form Joseph Swan. Swan was the one that invented the lightbulb. Edison tried to pretend to help Swan but he stopped him.
All Edison did was improve on the existing design.
In 1850 an English physicist named Joseph Wilson Swan created a “light bulb” by enclosing carbonized paper filaments in an evacuated glass bulb. https://www.bulbs.com/learning/history.aspx British Scientist Warren de la Rue enclosed a coiled platinum filament in a vacuum tube and passed an electric current.
A thin filament with high electrical resistance would make a lamp practical because it would require only a little current to make it glow. In February 1879 demonstrated a working lamp in a lecture in Newcastle, England according to the Smithsonian Institution.
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